Shipping Estimates

We work directly with the shipping agent in Japan to keep RoRo shipping costs low. Since shipping prices fluctuate like exchange rates and depend on the vehicle’s total cubic dimensions, they can vary.
We also arrange container shipping to many destinations worldwide where RoRo shipping isn’t available.


Some countries, such as UK or Kenya, require vehicle inspections before shipping. These inspections, known as JEVIC, JAAI, or MOZ inspections depending on the country, are not included in shipping estimates and typically cost less than $300.

Shipping Times

Shipping times vary by destination, generally taking around 21 days from departure from most Japanese ports. For instance, shipping to Canada takes about 20 days, while to Melbourne it takes around 25 days.
Ships depart to most destinations once per month, and some destinations twice per month. The arrival time of your vehicle depends on the shipping company’s schedule. We can provide detailed information closer to the departure date.

Shipping Insurance

Shipping insurance is available for those seeking extra security. Premiums typically cost under $150 to cover total loss.
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